Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Reason #514 I Dislike Public School

I've spent years quietly seething behind closed doors, or not so quietly complaining to close friends.  Frankly, I'm tired of it.  I'm sure they are, too.  So for all of you who have patiently pretended to listen, here is a big heartfelt thanks from me to you.  And now, my soapbox takes on a whole new form. 

Those of you who know me already know I'm different.  I generally have to learn my lessons the hard way, and my stubbornness makes me seem slow to realize certain things.  However, once I commit I am one of the most loyal, passionate people you will ever meet.  Many things I've committed to in my life are not necessarily popular.  This has caused considerable drama, and apparently more than one divorce, yet has not shaken my firm belief in what I feel is right. 

I suppose I'm what you'd call a crunchy conservative.  That's my own personal term, as far as I know.  I am unequivocally pro-life.  In my mind, abortion is murder, pure and simple.  I absolutely do not understand the hypocrisy of allowing abortions, yet charging people who kill unborn children in car accidents with a crime. So if the mother wants the baby that makes all the difference?  What if she was on her way to the abortion clinic?  Would that matter?  I'm also confused about why it's ok to methodically plan out killing your child, but CPS gets involved if they don't like the way someone is homeschooling.  Somehow educating your child at home may be construed as neglect, but killing an innocent baby is fine? 

That brings me to my next point, clearly I'm pro-homeschooling.  I would LOVE to be homeschooling my brood right now.  Alas, an uniformed judge and uncooperative ex-husband have stolen that dream (temporarily, I hope).  Don't get me wrong, there are many professional, highly dedicated, wonderful teachers in the public school system.  But, take note of that last word, "system."  The teachers themselves have no control over funding, and continually seem to be losing input on their own classrooms.  There are so many testing requirements and so few resources to go around, that I feel it's a losing battle.  And, American children are the ones losing every single day.  It's not just that I believe one-on-one attention, and individual education plans would be beneficial to every child.  It's also the the sad realities that come along with public school like bullying, peer pressure, and growing up way too fast. 

I started tonight's blog and tirade, because I was annoyed about spending my evening making sure 50+ valentine's cards were properly addressed.  No, I'm not anti-valentine's day or anti-fun.  It just seems that nearly every day requires more money and effort, and I'm seeing very few results for either.  I'm beginning to wonder how parents even afford public school.  There is a never-ending laundry list of costs.  Maybe if I were happier about the quality of the education I would feel differently, but I'm not, and I don't.  Some of you may think that this is just part of a mom's job, and I should do it without complaint.  Others may think I'm lazy, and/or not working hard enough.  All I can say is that you've clearly never stayed home with four young children. 

As for the without complaint part, I partially agree.  I do tend to be a complainer, and generally that gets you nowhere.  I don't want to waste my time uselessly moaning about this or that, but I'm also done being silenced.  Over the years people have told me to "shut up and know my place" more than once.  Is it because I'm a woman?  A stay-at-home mom?  Different?  Honestly, I don't want to fit in with a crowd I feel is heading the wrong direction.  God made us all differently, each with our own voices, and gifts.  I may not always be charming, or even politically correct, for that matter.  And the catching more flies with honey thing never really seemed to work for me.  Too many people today are so worried about the opinions of others that they're afraid to take a stand, say what they mean, or really live.  That is not how this country was built, and is a major reason it's falling apart.  America was founded by men and women who stood up for what they thought was right, followed their faith, and dreamed big.  As a whole, we've taken God out of the equation.  I'm here to say do what you want in your own homes and lives, but He will remain firmly planted in mine.  I will post more later.  Back to my CCC (Creatively Controlled Chaos). 

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