Sunday, February 12, 2012

Fight on

When you feel you have reached your breaking point, take a deep breath, or ten, and fight on.  When all hope seems to be lost, and you feel you have nothing left to lose, fight on.  For when you are nearly certain you will be disappointed with the outcome, that is the very time you must give your best effort.  Even if the battle seems lost, you will have to be able to live with yourself after the smoke clears.  Don't ask what you can do to change it.  Ask if you can live with yourself if you don't try.  You cannot worry about how others will view your efforts.  It is not up to them to judge.  That is for God Almighty alone.  So always stand firm for what you believe, and give it your all. 

I am doing so now with my latest endeavor:  Will it matter?  It will to me.  What matters most to you today? 

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