Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lesson from a surprising place

For several days now I've been studying and working on writing a lesson from the book of Job.  This afternoon, I laid my Bible down for a few minutes and half-listened to PBS Sprout in the background as I fed my youngest.  On this particular episode, four-year old Calliou and his friend, Clementine, desperately wanted to play her big brother's new drums.  When he kept telling them they "were not grown up enough," they devised several plans to convince him.  Ultimately, he did let them play after they dressed up as little adults to prove their maturity.  Listening to this story from the children's perspective made me realize how all people, big and small, really have the need to be affirmed.  No one wants to be told they aren't old enough, big enough, smart enough, fast enough, competent enough, etc...   We live in a busy, fast-paced world.  Sometimes, it's difficult to take the time to help others perform a task, or to let them help you.  I know I could have made chocolate covered strawberries for Valentine's Day much faster without my girls' assistance.  However, it meant the world to them to "help cook."  The same goes for the boys getting the mail, or feeding the pets. We all should take a little more time to acknowledge and appreciate each other.  I know I will certainly try to remain more mindful of it from now on. 

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