Friday, March 9, 2012

The agendas of others

I gave up trying to figure other people out long ago.  In the past, I often wondered about the inner workings of their minds.  However, I've since found that to be a fruitless activity.  While I do not ask "why" anymore, sometimes I can't help but be amazed at some people's choices.  Anyone who has followed this blog knows I've written about my impending divorce on several occasions.  Clearly, my husband wants it and will get it without my signature whatsoever.  I absolutely disagree, and hate how this has hurt our family, but I think I understand.  What I cannot fathom, however, is his attorney's agenda.  As far as I know, my husband has never even met this man who continually files motions to drag me and our children to court.  Recently, he asked that I pay HIS fee for the divorce that I do not want.  My husband swears that he had no part in that motion, but failed to stop his attorney from proceeding.  When it was heard in court, the judge pressured me to sign the preliminary documents to move this divorce along.  I refused on the basis of my religious beliefs, and was pretty much mocked for it.  Then, I was unceremoniously told that my husband will simply get anything he asks for when the deadline passes.  Well, it came and went nine days ago.  Yesterday,  I received a message from my attorney stating his lawyer is now trying to have me found in contempt of court.  Really?  What is it with this guy?  It's not enough that I raise four children alone, two of whom haven't seen their dad in well over a year?  It's not enough that my husband has literally never heard our 21-month old son utter a word or even seen him eat a single meal in his life?  It's not enough that my kids have NEVER been away from me, and I will someday soon have to send them to visit this man who left us in such a way?  It's not enough that me and my older two children are losing our health insurance, and already have bills we can't pay?  It's not enough that I stood by this man through three deployments in five years, multiple affairs, and legal woes?  It's not enough that I spent basically the entire five years alone due to all of the things I mentioned above?  Now his lawyer wants to force me to pay a fine or face jail time?  What a stand up kind of man.  If only they had to walk a mile in my shoes, or those of my children.  Lord, they know not what they do...

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